
[bash] shutdown 예약 종료 본문

카테고리 없음

[bash] shutdown 예약 종료

냐옴 2024. 2. 8. 16:16


# 예약 종료 - 오후 6시
sudo shutdown -h 18:00

# 예약 종료 - 30분 후
sudo shutdown -h +30

# 예약 종료 - 취소
sudo killall shutdown

# 지금 바로 종료
sudo shutdown -h now

# 지금 바로 재시작
sudo shutdown -r now



man shutdown

     shutdown – close down the system at a given time

     shutdown [-] [-h [-u] | -p | -r | -s | -k] [-o [-n]] time [warning-message ...]

     The shutdown utility provides an automated shutdown procedure for super-users to nicely notify users when the system is shutting down, saving
     them from system administrators, hackers, and gurus, who would otherwise not bother with such niceties.

     The following options are available:

     -h      The system is halted and powered off at the specified time.

     -r      The system is rebooted at the specified time.

