
[RockyLinux9] ssh_dispatch_run_fatal: Connection to port 22: error in libcrypto 본문

카테고리 없음

[RockyLinux9] ssh_dispatch_run_fatal: Connection to port 22: error in libcrypto

냐옴 2024. 2. 7. 13:29


오류 : RockyLinux 9 에서 crypto 버전이 낮은 서버로 ssh 접속 시도시 아래 오류가 발생함

ssh_dispatch_run_fatal: Connection to port 22: error in libcrypto


조치 : crypto 정책을 LEGACY 로 변경한다

update-crypto-policies --set LEGACY



update-crypto-policies 사용법

## 사용법
# update-crypto-policies --help
usage: [-h] [--set [POLICY] | --show | --is-applied | --check] [--no-reload]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help      show this help message and exit
  --set [POLICY]  set the policy POLICY
  --show          show the current policy from the configuration
  --is-applied    check whether the current policy is applied
  --check         check whether the generated policy files match the current policy
  --no-reload     do not run the reload scripts when setting a policy
## 현재 정책을 확인한다
# update-crypto-policies --show


update-crypto-policies 를 LEGACY 로 변경

## 정책을 LEGACY 로 변경한다
# update-crypto-policies --set LEGACY
Setting system policy to LEGACY
Note: System-wide crypto policies are applied on application start-up.
It is recommended to restart the system for the change of policies
to fully take place.

## 변경된 정책을 확인한다
# update-crypto-policies --show


update-crypto-policies 를 DEFAULT 로 변경

## 정책을 DEFAULT 로 변경한다
# update-crypto-policies --set DEFAULT
Setting system policy to DEFAULT
Note: System-wide crypto policies are applied on application start-up.
It is recommended to restart the system for the change of policies
to fully take place.

## 변경된 정책을 확인한다
# update-crypto-policies --show


update-crypto-policies 를 DEFAULT:SHA1 로 변경

## 정책을 DEFAULT:SHA1 로 변경한다
# update-crypto-policies --set DEFAULT:SHA1
Setting system policy to DEFAULT:SHA1
Note: System-wide crypto policies are applied on application start-up.
It is recommended to restart the system for the change of policies
to fully take place.

## 변경된 정책을 확인한다
# update-crypto-policies --show




Chapter 3. Using system-wide cryptographic policies Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 | Red Hat Customer Portal

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